Sunrise Bowl

 Sunrise Bowl! 

Here’s one of the most refreshing & filling recipes for this summer!!!

Heres why mangos are cool:

Scientists tested mangos and found they prevent or stop certain colon and breast cancer cells in lab studies. They also showed some impact on lung, leukemia, and prostate cancers, but the most prominent effectiveness was against breast and colon cancer lines, which underwent apoptosis, or programmed cell death, and the mango polyphenolics did not harm normal cells. According to the report, although other foods contain more antioxidants, mangos can still be considered a super food for this reason1.

One cup of mangos has 100 calories. The same amount provides 100% of your daily vitamin C recommendation for promoting healthy immune function and collagen formation, and 35% of your vitamin A, important for vision, bone growth, and maintaining healthy mucous membranes and skin – plus, it’s shown by clinical studies to help protect your body from lung and mouth cancers.

Besides having more than 20 different vitamins and minerals, mangos contain flavonoids like betacarotene, alphacarotene, and beta-cryptoxanthin, which help vitamin A to impart antioxidant strength and vision-protecting properties, maintaining healthy mucous membranes and skin.

Try this recipe.

Featuring @coconutbowls. Eco friendly real coconut bowls

Base :

1 Mango

1 Banana

1/2 Tsp Tumeric

1  TbsPeanut Butter

1/2 Cup Coconut milk

Topped with:

Coconut shreds

Fresh blueberries

 Cacao Nibs-

who wants to try this deliciousness!


Coco de Amanecer

Para la base:

1 Mango

1 Banano

1/2 Cdta Cúrcuma

2 Cdas de Mantequilla de Maní –

1/2 Taza de Leche de coco ( o cualquier leche vegetal)

De Topping:

Rajaduras de coco.

Arándanos frescos

Piedritas de cacao.


Quien quiere probar esta delicia!


#plantbased #healthylifestyle #foodie #fruits #smoothie #CoconutBowls #coconuts #mangos #Vegan #higherWaves