I closed my eyes

I closed my eyes again

I gather all the strength within to face the challenging moments I constantly experience.

I take a deep breath, I envision courage.

I breathe consciously, keeping my mind within as it fights to travel places.

I take a deep breath, to remain sane.

When I breathe deeply, I invite the light again.

Thoughts begin to quiet,  ease becomes me and I become ease.

I am strength, I am courage, I am the sun. I invite the light again.

When thoughts take the shape of  clouds,

the natural flow of air blows them away allowing Surya to shine bright.

I am one with light.

When I open my eyes again, I remember courage and strength constantly burn behind the passing clouds.

When I open my eyes again, I am Surya’s light , the clouds fade.

When clouds get in the way,  Time to close my eyes again.