Inversions & Arm Balances (Online)


via @WarriorBridge

12:30 pm PST  | 3:30 pm  EST  

45 min

This class is an opportunity to explore and play with inversions in a fun, safe and progressive way. Whether you’re looking to learn to invert for the first time, move and strengthen your body or prepare yourself for handstands or acrobatics, this class is right for you! This class cover the mobility, conditioning, rehab and technique to help you approach arm balances and inversions with confidence and ease. Class includes a thorough warm up to prepare bodies for the practice and gradually moves into breakdowns of poses such as headstand ( modifications are available to alleviate pressure on the neck), crow pose/ frog stand, forearm stand, peacock pose, handstand and more. Class concludes with a cool down to unwind some of the tension of the practice. Class is open to all levels of practitioner, no prior experience is necessary